Synonym: O.K., OK, alright, fine, hunky-dory, o.k., ok, okay, very well. Similar words: civil rights, right, right away, highlight, light, night, might, slight. Meaning: adj. being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition. adv. 1. an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence 2. without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion) 3. in a satisfactory or adequate manner.
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61. Would it be all right if I came?
62. 'Are you all right?' Laura nodded dumbly.
63. You'll be all right in a couple of days.
64. I sure hope they get there all right.
65. I'll leave a key with the neighbours, all right?
66. All right, I'll reword my question.
67. Are you feeling all right? You look rather pale.
68. It's all right, it's only me.
69. He mended my TV set all right.
70. All right, I'll lend you the money.
71. The arrangement is all right with me.
72. Things have thankfully worked out all right.
73. Stick with me and you'll be all right.
74. Would that be all right, ma'am?
75. You look ghastly; are you all right?
76. Are you all right? You look dreadful.
77. He's an all right kind of guy really.
78. Don't bother about me. I'm all right.
79. I was all right but in need of rest.
80. Don't worry! Everything will be all right.
81. Don't worry,[] it'll turn out all right .
82. Fortunately, everything worked out all right in the end.
83. Everything will be all right, please God.
84. Don't worry, she'll be all right.
85. He sounds all stuffed-up - is he all right?
86. We've got to get up early, all right?
87. Is Thursday morning all right with you?
88. All right class,[] turn to page 20.
89. Is it all right if I open/close the window?
90. The meeting went off all right.
More similar words: civil rights, right, right away, highlight, light, night, might, slight, eighth, height, flight, in sight, delight, tighten, light up, tightly, at night, by night, lightly, fighter, insight, slightly, nightmare, lighting, midnight, overnight, lightning, out of sight, night and day, at midnight.